5 sass 7-13 subs
7 obsessions 9 jock 11 blueboy 13 stars
8-15 pssst
8-10 scene par flo 12 sounds 12 live & techno par kelly
14-15 self
14 genetic/generic
18-111 words fantasy
16 pop a ho
62 crack real
28 skinheads
40 maddoo
110 major turnoffs sights
19-103 ho strip
19 stryker, Jeff
33 cohen, fran
43 castelli, patrick
52 price, ricky
68 falcon wonders
77 summers, bo
87 21 men-tionables
97 rockland, hal
Being 21 is way there. When you're 21 you're finally old enough to have the world.
Meet it head on accepting full responsibility. And you're young enough to get
a break, take a few good punches, throw a lot more back and keep on going. Sex
is terrific. You can have it your way, any way, any time; anywhere. You can order
drinks and never pay for them. You can smile and dance and look great, or not.
And just knowing you can have just about anything in the world that you want—certainly
sexually—makes things way rad. Just spread your legs and the world's your
oyster. Unless you're like totally geeked in which case you still have your computer.
Go surf.
Most of us are or were there. The big twenty-one. Some of us keep coming back
to it, or in it, or at least near it...whereas many others simply can't let it
go, despite the beatings. That's the way it is with being 21. It's a magic thing.
Even though we've been opening our legs foi three years, it's the time when we
open our eyes, maybe for the first time, and things suddenly are different. Better.
Brighter. Bigger. More real.
Blueboy's a 21 Club member now. With this way cool birthday bash ish we've grown.
We're bigger and totally better. We look different, sound and feel different;
and, we've got a lot more to say about it.
Learning is a big part about growing. And a key to learning is listening. Now's
your chance to be heard and see if it makes a difference to us. Send me your comments
on our coming of age. Let me know what you think and what you would like to see
or see more of. Mark your envelope to my personal attention and address it to
the Blueboy 21 Club. I'll personally respond to each letter the day I receive
it. Good or geek. Write on. Meantime let's celebrate. Buy us a drink and take
us home with you. Chances are good you'll get lucky. Then again, there's always
your computer. Later.