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Direct Line Magazine Back Issue, Number # 8

Direct Line # 8 magazine back issue Direct Line magizine back copy Swingers Ads & Photos,Real Phone Numbers,Mail Forwarding,meaningful contacts,bona fide placements
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Direct Line # 8 Magazine


Direct Line is produced by Registry, P. 0 Box 22334, Baltimore, Maryland, as a service to those who seek to establish meaningful contacts with adult swingers. All ads are reproduced from information supplied to us for publication and we in no way guarantee the validity of the ads as they appear. We assume all ads are bona fide placements, and we publish them as a service to both readers and advertisers. We can not accept responsibility for their content.
CONFIDENTIAL ADS: These are ads which feature a coded number. Instuctions appearing on every other directory page indicate how you can contact these advertisers by mail.
TELEPHONE ADS: These are placements from swingers who have given us permission to publish their ptvone number in conjunction with their ad. If you find that you are reaching a number no longer in service, we suggest you write a letter and send it to us for forwarding as directed. Follow instructions.
SPECIAL SERVICES: Ads submitted from women and couples will be published free of charge if their ad oar, is accompanied by a photo realeased for publication. All other ads require the payment of $3.00 to be remitted with our Ad Form (see inside back cover?. All male ads require the payment of the $3.00 fee with or without accompanying photo for publication.
PHOTO POLICY: Photos submitted for publication. should be of good quality (color or black & white) and may be as revealing as you wish. We do reserve the rim however, to crop or patch photos deemed inappropriate for publication as presented. You are urged to use the pictures appearing in this issue as your guide when selecting photos to accompany your ad. Remember, the most productive ads are illustrated ads; they attract attention and let readers know whai you look like.
Direct Line has long featured the publication of telephone numbers as a unique service to reader and advertiser alike_ These numbers are supplied to us by the advertiser and appear in print as submitted to us. In some cases, however, the advertiser elects to change or discontinue service after his ad appears, and in many instances the only recourse is to make contact via the mail. If you encounter dies problem, we urge you to consider this alternative_ Just follow the instructions provided throughout this issue ad we'll immediately forward your letter. Given the fact drat circumstances do change, we urge you to utilize DL's fin range of services in these cases. Quick and confide:UK re-mailing is the viable alternative!

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