Features 4 The Witch Report spellbinding feature John Wilkes 12 New Orleans city of sin Basil George 36 There Are Fairies At The Bottom Of Your Psyche John Hannah 43 Mel Ramos erotic art book review 46 Moods and Fantasies the private pen of... Alun Hood 48 Superstud Heroes groovy movie stars Rick Trader Witcombe 50 Money is Power uses and abuses Dean Anthony Regulars
16 Correspondence
26 Interview Barbara Bourbon
Tony Crawley
40 Work It Out
sex at work
64 Motoring
custom Bentley
Tony Robinson Humour
11 Pornucopia
special offer
Tony Crawley
81 Berk's Peerage
funky fetishes Mike
Jupp & Ian Pemble Girls
17 Elenora
Byron Newman
20 Estelle
Roger Cook
33 Jo
57 Nikie
Serge Jacques
66 Love In The Country
Serge Jacques
Editorial Note
To date all our interviewees have been male, though not necessarily from choice.
It's just that there aren't many female stars around in these days of cinematic
male dominance. Now, at last, our first Lady Star—the amazing Barbara Bourbon.
Not just a beautiful lady, not just a great actress and not just a porn star either.
Perhaps the most fascinating interview we've ever run (page 26).
Editorial passions are running high this month. Basil George digs into history
for the true story of New Orleans - City of Sin and newcomer John Wilkes investigates
the latest witch cults and their sex games in —Witch Report (pages 12 and
How many times have you had a lady extol the vitues of Beatty, Brando and Co.instead
of concentrating o penile dimensions more readily available? What's the real truth
behind the Superstud Heroes? Find out page 48. A recent trip to the South of France
spawned a Parisienne lovely of considerable beauty and agility. A lady of Mystery
who showed me all that you see on pages 20-25... and what to do with it.