In Touch For Men # 168, February 1991 Magazine ISSN: 0744-8341
FUN 19 THE HONEY BUCKET MINE fiction by Jerry D. Davis 59 A COWBOY'S ALWAYS CRYIN' fiction by Rocky Steel 78 PORTFOLIO art by Gavin Geoffrey Dillard FROLIC 7 Anthony Borden Ward by Blue Leader 27 ROLAND VALUER by Brad Posey 37 CHRIS Mckenzie by Vivid Video 49 Chris Steele by Malibu Pacific Studios 69 TIMOTHY ORTEGA by Derek Powers FAVORITES 5 LETTERS 15 GAY READING 16 TOUCH & GO 25 FAERY TALES 34 REDISCOVERED
Dear Readers,
As you may have already noticed, we have had another change at IN TOUCH FOR MEN:
the cover price is now $5.95. With the escalating cost of living, we don't like
to add to your entertainment expenses. Unfortunately, it has become necessary
for us to raise the cover price by one dollar so that we can maintain the level
of quality that has kept you reading IN TOUCH for so many years.
We have been battling this cost increase for the last year and a half; as you
may have noticed, it was at that time that many other erotic publications raised
their cover prices to $5.95. And while we did have to drop sixteen black-and-white
pages, we added sixteen color pages, keeping our cover price the same all the
while. At this time, however, we are forced to reflect the rising costs of production
in our cover price. Rest assured that we will maintain the quality of printing
and content that has become synonymous with the IN TOUCH name.
Of course, subscribers to IN TOUCH will not be effected by this price increase.
And if you are not yet a subscriber, you can get IN TOUCH FOR MEN at the old subscription
rate for one more issue. Just turn to page 36, and get in on this offer while
it lasts — subscription prices will reflect the cover price increase in
the next issue.
And now the good news: 1991 is going to be a great year for IN TOUCH. We have
only the very best in models, fiction, and male entertainment planned for each
issue. And 1991 will see the return of the sixteen pages we lost last year, making
IN TOUCH FOR MEN jam-packed with excitement. Thank you for staying with IN TOUCH
through these changes. We feel confident that all of this will only make us bigger,
bolder, and better.