Features Covergirl Anna Nicole Smith (Vickie Smith) (Vickie Hogan), Tom Johnson (Nude) Playmate of the Month is Julie Cialini Nollanda Can Zliit Vansi Guzel Nancy Aziz Valentine In Asiklara
Features Covergirl & Playmate of the Month Traci Adell (Nude & Centerfold) Bir Denizkizi Kadar Masum Yilin Playmate Jenny Mc Carthy 20 Soruda Cansel Ozzengin
Features Covergirl Carol Shaya (Nude) Playmate of the Month is Mar?a Checa Uniformanin Altindaki Guzellikleri Gormeye Hazir Misiniz Bakir Erkekten Playboy Erkegine Giden Yol
Features Covergirl Lorenza Pierucci, Bella Pertile (Nude) Playmate of the Month is Kelly Gallagher (Kelly Wearstler) Yasasin Milanolu Kizlar Playboy Roportaji
Features Covergirl Margaret Scarborough (Nude) Playmate of the Month is Victoria Zdrok Ozal Evren Senin Sozunu Dinler Sen Rica Bi Dedi Amigo Kizlar Hasta Eden Guzellik