Features Covergirl & Playmate of the Month Anne Jackson (Nude & Centerfold) Ispanya'da Bir Guzel Anne Jackson Koprulu Kanyon'da Bir Doga Macerasi Guzelligin Adi: Marry Napolitano
Features Covergirl & Playmate of the Month Cynthia Emmal (Nude & Centerfold) Bir Duygu Nefesi: Cynthiya Playboy Roportaji: Gece Kusu Okan Bayulgen Hizmette Sinir Yok: Kelly Whitney
Features Covergirl & Playmate of the Month Maureen Heilbroneer (Nude & Centerfold) Maureen Virginia Dan Gelen Asi Ve Sarisin Dilber Yasasin Fetisizm 20 Soruda: Ciler
Features Covergirl Eleanor Dowd (Nude) Playmate of the Month is Barbara Ackerman Mavi Gozlu Oilber Eleanor Playboy Roportaji: Taigm Kurtaran Intiyar Delikamli Kadri Aytac