Features Covergirl & Playmate of the Month Martina Stetiarova (Nude & Centerfold) Playmate Miss Martina Oficialna Slovenska DJ Interview with Peter Sagan 20Q Twiins
Features Covergirl & Playmate of the Month Melissa Teixeira (Nude & Centerfold) 20 Otazok Benicio Del Toro Tema Dlhy, Metla l'udstva Hitparada 16 Poistnych Udalosti Za Vsetky Peniaze
Features Covergirl & Playmate of the Month Kiera Ribeiro (Nude & Centerfold) Richard Sulik Business Talk 20 Otazok Miroslav Stoch Milujem Adrenalin Aj Mimo Ihriska
Features Covergirl & Playmate of the Month Niki Zsurikova (Nude & Centerfold) Business Talk Jens Wendland Golem Club Alexandra Beljajevova 20 Otazok Igor Kmeto
Features Covergirl & Playmate of the Month Yevgeniya Pechlaner, Michaela Grauke (Mia Gray) (Nude & Centerfold) Cestovanie Antarktida Tema Oktoberfest 2016 Business Talk Janka Ciganikova