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Stallion Magazine Back Issue, November 1982

Stallion November 1982 magazine back issue Stallion magizine back copy eartha kitt talks of human ights cockrings the ins and outs gay life in japan casey donovan reports
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Stallion November 1982 Magazine


18 "Ah, So! Gay Life in Japan"
by Casey Donovan
26 "The Trekkie"
by Pete Fisher
30 "S.A.G.E.:"
by Bill Bottiggi and Martin Koloski
56 "The Ins and Outs of Cockrings"
by Doug Richards
60 "Newcomer: Richard West"
by Robert W. Richards
68 "Eartha Kitt"
Interview by Brandon Judell
9 "Out in Left Field"
by James Michaels
22 "Prime Contender"
by California Guy Studios
33 "Perfect Relationship"
by Chris Rowe
39 "Whip Lash"
by Jay Kay Photos
49 "Beachcomber"
by Chris Rowe
73 "Red Ball Express"
from PM Productions
4 Stallion Quickies
14 Roundup (Film, Books, Music, Theatre)
46 Our Gay Heritage: The Wayne Lonergan Case
54 Letters to Casey
78 Stallion Contacts

Along with the rest of this youth-oriented world in which we live, homosexuals have been carefully taught to believe that the gay experience is predominantly, if not strictly, for the young. We have been conditioned, even more than our heterosexual brethren, to worship the spirit of Peter Pan, and to delay as long as possible the inevitability of aging, Still, as the old song says, everybody's doing it, and eventually we must face the harvest years.
To the teenager, twenty-one is the beginning of the end, thirty is senility, forty is the end of the world, and fifty is quite simply unfathomable. Somehow, though, we manage to survive these milestones (some more gracefully than others), and eventually find ourselves someplace "between forty and death."
Without an upcoming generation of progeny to give life renewed meaning, the later years can be especially treacherous for the homosexual, and we can be thankful that some of the more omniscient of us have banded together to help the less farsighted. The creation of the organization S.A.G.E, (Senior Action in a Gay Environment) is one of the more significant developments within the gay community (see page 30), and no matter how old you are, or claim to be, you should familiarize yourself with its work. You will be comforted to know that there are folks out there who will still need you, who will still feed you, when you're sixty-four.
Jerry Douglas

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