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Stallion Magazine Back Issue, March 1983

Stallion March 1983 magazine back issue Stallion magizine back copy barbara cook man boy love the hot cntroversy the butch manuel the current drag and how to do it colt
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Stallion March 1983 Magazine


18 "Green Guavas"
by John Coriolan
22 "Steve Scott Class Act of Porn"
by Jerry Douglas
26 "The Butch Manual"
by Clark Henley
30 "Conversation with Barbara Cook"
by George Heymont
60 "Mickey Squires Speaks Out"
by Robert W. Richards
66 "The Man-Boy Love Controversy"
by Charles Jurrist
67 "The Man-Boy Love Controversy"
by Wallace Hamilton
9 "Grab Holt"
by Mauro
33 "The Legend"
from Henry Michaels
41 "Sand Blast"
by Romeo
49 "A Taste for Leather"
by Jay Kay
73 "Games"
from Surge Studios
4 Stallion Quickies
14 Roundup (Film, Books, Music, Theatre)
38 Our Gay Heritage: Death of a Gay Nazi
54 Letters to Casey
78 Stallion Contacts
One of the most valuable rewards to emerge from the gay rights movement has been a growing sense of gay history and the resultant publication of historical data, eyewitness accounts, and revisionist versions of events that were originally distorted or reworked to fit prevailing heterosexual sensibilities. No wonder that Jonathan Katz' Gay American History proved to be a bestseller a few years back; no wonder that such newspapers as The Advocate and The New York Native regularly devote space to news of former times; no wonder that gay archives are springing up all over the country. We move forward, impelled by the past.
Accurate historical accounts of homosexual men and women in former times, and of the events that shaped their lives, are of enormous importance in helping modernday gays cope with the present and in shaping their view of the future. It is for this reason that we are particularly proud of "Our Gay Heritage," which is of course a regular feature of this magazine. In past issues we have examined such gay legends as Michelangelo and TchKamiko-porn-star">Aikovsky, such phenomena as The Stonewall Riots and the history of gay bars. This sort of digging into the past reveals a cultural heritage that today's gay men and women may not have known existed, and therefore serves in vivid, specific ways to enrich the concept of gay pride.
Not all of gay history, however, can serve to make us proud, and here at Stallion we feel that it is equally important to record those darker events which are also part of our past. Such an example is the subject of this month's feature, "Death of a Gay Nazi" on page 38. In this tale, culled from the tabloid headlines of 1939, there are no heroes, but there are lessons to be learned, lessons from which we all may profit.
Jerry Douglas

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