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Stuff Magazine Back Issue, December 2004

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Stuff # 61, December 2004 Magazine


89 To: You; From: You
Our gift guide has all the presents that'll fit under your tree—if your tree is in Rockefeller Center.
106 Lady Luck
Nikki Cox sweetens the pot on Las Vegas—and pretty much everywhere else she goes.
116 Puking in Paradise
Take your addicted ass to Thailand's toughest detox center. Hopefully, you'll survive.
118 One Lump or Two?
If you don't watch Sugar Ray Leonard's new reality show, The Contender, he might tickle you until you cry.
122 Swede Cheeks
Swedish delight Victoria Silvstedt speaks about her butt, her new projects and, um, did we mention her butt?
132 World's Greatest Bank Robber
Carl Gugasian robbed banks and evaded capture for nearly 30 years. And he has the #1 BURGLAR mug to prove it.
140 Tastes Gamey
The best new gadgets and games make it easy to stay at home and play with yourself.
148 Party Like It's 2005
Ring in the new year at one of the 10 best parties around the world. Don't forget to bring condoms. (They make great party balloons!)
152 Swan Song
The Swan's Amanda Byram talks about her fanny flaps. They're like mud flaps, but hotter.
32 Letters
Sometimes they're death threats, but either way, it's still pretty cool to get mail. So, thanks!
40 Asylum
David Cross rips us a new one.
We chat with a parking-meter fairy.
Meet your meat: The truth behind what's on your plate. Maybe vegetarians aren't a bunch of tree-hugging crack addicts like we thought.
64 Hype
Jason Lee tells us about his favorite skating DVDs. How to Skate isn't one of them.
Insomniac's Dave Attell achieves greatness through drinking. We knew there was a reason we loved appletinis!
Rapper Ludacris has something to say to you. (Chances are, it's "bitch.")
161 Stuff Style
I Four looks to heat up your holiday vacation. (Big red suit and white beard not included.)
Screw rent and dress like Lil Jon instead. The gold teeth alone will set you back $600.
175 Sex Spy
Hot women talk about movie sex. Lights, cameras and plenty of action!
Twenty-five things we shouldn't find sexy but do. No. 21: Burgas.
183 Credits
184 Contributors

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