5 Anthony Vasquez 17 Carl Boudreaux 49 Chuck Lambert 61 Brian Kelly
71 Robert Kovalycsik
79 Tony Incatta
Editorial Note
Dear Reader:
TRADE is a new magazine based on an old custom. You know the routine; you've been
on that street corner at 2:00 a.m. We're not talking video stars all primped,
shaved and gussied up. We're talking about somebody you might have had last week.
This magazine is full of horny straight kids gettin' it up and jerking it off
for you. The kids you see in the supermarkets, on street corners, and sitting
around having a beer on the beach. Not gay guys who look straight or straight
guys who look gay. But, out and out straight boys. You know the look and you know
the attitude. The kind of kids who under the right circumstances - might let you
blow them for twenty bucks.
Speaking of money, you'll notice TRADE costs a dollar or two less than the other
magazines. Just trying to help you save up your twenty bucks.