Welcome to Spring 2016, VOLOnians,
How are you all doing?
I know we pushed the boundaries quite a bit with VOLO 34 our EROS and LOVE issue, but we are right back to our pure photographic art niche with VOLO 35, the issue that you should certainly buy in PRINT.
The level of photography we have managed to assemble in this issue is truly astounding even by VOLO standards. Leading the charge is the young upcoming photographer fom Austrialia, Tommy Medveczky who shot the incredible ‘Blazing Sun’ cover set of the issue… But the real photographic genius of this issue is none other than the incredible Guenter Knop. Guenter has been shooting pictures for over 50 years and we are lucky to bring you some of his best ‘film’ work in this issue of VOLO. That is priceless… I sometimes reminisce about the time I would spend hours in the darkroom, trying to do get light flare effects properly developed on film… chemicall spills… Oh the fun of it. Film was pretty amazing, though there is no way I could go back.
Anyway, back to the present. We would love it if you would follow us on instagram @volomagazine and like and comment on the incredible collection of images from our contributing artists we post there on a daily basis.
One more thing, we have to turn the locks back on the PDF’s that you download from VOLODAILY.COM. Some of the not so art friendly subscribers have been merrily sharing the PDF’s with everyone who wants it and we need to make sure we protect that or else we will no longer be able to produce this gorgeous magazine. The password would be your VOLODAILY EMAIL ADDRESS.
Please ask your friends to subscribe at www.volodaily.com. We need many more subscribers to break even and keep on going.
Till next time, stay VOLO.