Fall is here and it’s already evident and beautiful in California. While a lot of magazines will jump to doing Fall focused issues, we at VOLO however wanted to go in a little bit different direction and make this issue all about the beauty of locations.
The majority of the editorials showcased in this issue have been shot at locations that are astoundingly beautiful, incredibly remote, remarkably historic, incredibly harsh or in some cases, showcasing the plain beauty of nature that surrounds us all (except the city dwellers) and all we have to do is open our eyes to experience it. Of course in true VOLO fashion, all these locations have been complimented by some of the most beautiful and natural hUmma-porn-star">Uman forms we could find.
One of the things that we have finally come to realize is that, what VOLO publishes, affects way more people than just the artists and subscribers. We have been able to inspire a whole new generation of photographers who have been enabled by the easy (and now affordable) access to digital SLR cameras. VOLO has given these artists, inspiration, direction and a conduit to photograph women respectfully, beautifully and showcase their true and natural beauty captured in conjunction with the beauty of nature, to a global audience.
This is what we started out to achieve, and it warms our heart everyday when a new photographer comes forward and tells us passionately, how our magazine has shaped their work and pushed them forward.
Till next time,